Let's talk about work

What we have done, what we are doing, how we’re doing it and why we should be doing it together.

Why us

Strong project management muscles

No matter how big & heavy, we can take care of your project from budgeting to full production. Single handedly.

We know good people

We consider our contact sheet as the greatest treasure, so we can always find the best fit for anything that a project requires.

Not framed by genre

We aim to be trusted partners for both young and experienced creators, exploring relevant, new, brave and eye-opening ideas – be it through documentary or fictional lens.

People & planet-friendly production

We adapt the latest practices and circular strategies of green production as well as creating and implementing tools to nourish the mental health of people working with and around us.

Great service with 30% tax rebate

Lithuanian Film Tax Incentive offers an opportunity to save up to 30% of the film production budget and we know how to use it.

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